Archive for December, 2011

7 Reasons why Christians should Read the Old Testament/Covenant ( or Hebrew Bible )

I meet many Christians who disregard the old Testament/Convenant.  Hopefully my arguement here will convince them otherwise.

1. You will understand the New Testament/Covenant better.  Numerous references and allusions are made to it.

2. God’s Promises, Warnings and Curses are still effective today.  The Bible says His Word will stand forever and never fail/fall.

3. The Christian faith was birth fromthe Hebrew faith.  This is recorded in the Hebrew Bible or Old Covenant/Testament.

4. We wouldn’t need Jesus to cover our sins if the laws of the First Convenat didn’t have power over us.  The Blood Jesus redeems us from the curse of the law.

5. There are many patterns and foreshadowings that explain history and coming events.  Some are written plainly; some are in code.

6. A revelation of God’s Name, Character, and Nature are given to you.  Although, they are all encompassed in the Name of Jesus, you comprehend what all of them are.

7. The stories are better than any movie, radio, or tv program.  They are more lovely, dramatic and gruesome for the imaginative mind.

Are we all God’s Children?

I heard an aquintance of mine say “we are all God’s children”.  It made me think to what my friend told me years ago “we are not all God’s children, we are all His creation”

What’s the difference, you say?  Well being a Creation and being a Child make a huge difference.  One of the differentiators is having a right to possess the Father’s inheritance.

John 8:37-47 makes it clear that some people are the children of God and some are not.  Sorry to report that, but the good news is, anyone can become a Child of God if they aren’t already one.

They just need to pray to God to transition them from being a sinner to a Child.   This is the only prayer that God hears from a sinner or a non adoptive one, as God does not hear sinners (John 9:31):

Oh Lord, i recognize I was born in sin and am a sinner.

But I believe that you have sent your son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins.

He was born of a virgin & the Holy Spirit and was raised up from the dead and lives even today.

I ask Him now to come into my life and heart.

Jesus, change me to what you want me to be and give me the Holy Spirit, that He may guide me into all truth.

Thank you for forgiving me and saving me.

I am now a Child of God!

Praise the Lord, you are welcomed to the family!  Please find a place to grow in His Word and read the Bible, KJV.

Gates of Jerusalem or the Cycle Life of a Believer

Every since I saw a product in a catalog of a very well known preacher on “Restoring the Gates of Jerusalem”, I have been seeking the meaning of each gate.  Yet, because I could not afford to pay over $50 for the teaching, I prayed that the Lord would reveal it to me another way, for free 🙂  and He did.  I found two good websites below that go into detail on each gate as it relates to a believers life.  Both bring a slightly different meaning to a few of the gates, a varied interpretation, and I happen to agree with both:


Sinner’s Prayer:

Dear Lord & Father, You are the Creator of all things and I know you created me. But I recognize I am a sinner through Adam's Fall and you sent your only Son, Jesus Christ to live, die and be raised from the dead for me. I repent of my sins and renounce all evil works and serving of other, lower, and lesser gods before thee. Come into me life and cleanse me by your Blood. Make me whole and well by your Holy Spirit. I now desire to live for you. Let your Holy Spirit guide me in all things. In the Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!

Scripture of the Month-March

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

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Things to consider:

Jesus never charged for His Sermons, Preaching, Healing, etc...why should we put His Anointing on books, tapes, and cds, and charge people for it? I recall How angry Jesus was when the leaders of the Church of His time altered the purpose of the temple and made it a business. Shouldn't we too, be afraid to do the same? UPDATE: a minister pointed out, He didn't have to because His own people were financing Him. They were wealthy...

Prison Ministry

Mail info request to: Jesus Christ Prison Ministry PO Box 770 Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 ask for booklet/dvd to Changing your Life Biblically or go to